A09 Guiding Discovery, the 3rd Third


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A09 Guiding Discovery, the 3rd Third

In our three-third („3/3“) approach to Discovery there’s a look back representing three steps: mutual care, celebration of Jesus and a return to the last text including the applications.
A look up, the 2nd third, including a vision and an easy text analyzing. Two questions to the text: “What does the it tell us about Jesus (or about God)?” And “what does it tell us about people?”


The 3rd third is a look forward. A very important step here is called “ACTION”, again with the emphasis on “never skip” – otherwise the fruit of the Discovery would disappear. It would only be intellectual, while Jesus calls us to do, what He’s teaching us.
After we read the biblical text and discuss, what it says about Jesus and about people, other key questions have a huge impact on the lives of each participant, and in a way on the whole movement: „If this was a Word of the living God, what should we individually take into our lives from this story?“ We kindly encourage everyone to look at the passage again and sum up interesting things, already said. And each one should choose something that speaks to them personally or that would be a challenge they should do. For each person the answer may be different.
The following question brings our participants‘ attention outside the group: „Who from our around us needs to hear something from what we’ve discovered here? Maybe our relatives or friends.“ For believers it’s almost a condition that they only can choose an unbeliever, not wife or a believing brother. By the way, if we believers learn to share our discoveries with unbelieving friends, it will be a radical breakthrough in the whole ministry!
Even though we’ve already agreed on regular meetings, we like to repeat the question: „When shall we meet again?“ For new participants it is confirmation that we want to see them again. We also track their interest by that.

The next step also belongs to the category “never skip”! It is called PRACTICE. If someone is planning to share today’s discoveries with Robert, I say: “Imagine I am your friend Robert, what will you tell him? How exactly will you share your outcome from today’s Discovery?” We’ve learnt to practice this in pairs, what we’re planning to say to our friends, whom we’ve decided to address! It can be a short summary of today’s story or at least a key thought.

The last step of the Discovery process is a CONVERSATION WITH JESUS. Start with a short thank you sentence for today’s meeting. For example thank for a specific thought you’re taking: “Thank You, Jesus, that you saved a beautiful wedding. And that you care about our practical lives. Please help us do in practice the things we’ve seen. That we would point to you with people, who need help, just as Mary did.”
Expect that even your friends, who don’t know Jesus yet, will gradually join these informal prayers, naturally. And they will wait what it will bring into their lives. Their short sentence is a huge progress for the start!

WATCH THE TIME while guiding the session! Plan the whole meeting for 90 minutes at most – an hour and half. When people keep on talking, it’s awesome. But try not to exceed the time of the study itself.

Look back, look up and look forward. This is the PRINCIPLE OF THREE THIRDS, which has proven to be very useful at various meetings. We focus not only on an intellectual talk about a text, but, above all, on a practical application in life. That’s why there is a action step and practice in the 3rd third and return in the first one next time.

Thanks, Lord Jesus, that Your word has a direct and practical impact on our lives. Give us courage and sensitivity so that we would target to this transformation at every Discovery with our friends, who don’t know You yet.


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