A06 Principles of effective invitation


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A06 Principles of effective invitation

Now I’ve really important principles for inviting your George to Discovery.

1. Brief and attractive DESCRIPTION
George needs a real and attractive image what happens at such Bible study. (Otherwise, George might imagine something religious he’s certainly not interested in!) For example I describe the Discovery session like this:
“First when we meet and have cool opening chat, how we are doing, what’s going on and so. At Discovery itself, someone reads a short story from the Bible. Then we try to retell it based on what we remembered, which is sometimes fun. And then we think about a few simple questions; what the passage tells us about Jesus, about people and what we can practically apply into our own lives (really interesting thoughts are here!). And eventually we ask, who needs to hear the story – maybe some of our family or friends. And that’s basically the whole core. Sometimes I’m surprised myself what personal discoveries are made there, inspired by a short story from the Bible…!

2. What it will GIVE to them
First, I say what it brings to ME: “For me it is always personal enrichment, it gives me practical ideas for live, interesting discoveries about Jesus – and how to communicate with Him. Sometimes I can see relationships around me, there…”
Especially if George asks, be prepared to give him specific examples. And it doesn’t have to be a big spiritual thing: “We read an interesting story about how Jesus talked to a crowd of thousands of people at a big lake. Jesus asked one disciple to take him a bit further from the bank, so that they could all hear Him well. Then he talked like to an amphitheatre, where people sat at the bank. I was fascinated how Jesus also handles such practical things…!”
For George it is important to hear it is informal: “Sometimes there is four of us, sometimes six. And most of the times there’s a few unbelievers.”
If you haven’t had unbelieving friends at your Discovery yet, you can say: “I know a guy in Ostrava, who does such Bible study with unbelieving friends. They’re always surprised by interesting things they find in the text.” (The guy in Ostrava can be me, now.)

The essence of effective invitation is my own passion at the first place! The important information comes later. I use quite strong words when talking about Discovery. I find it a very important principle! I myself am enthusiastic about it. For me it’s beautiful, deep, it is interesting, inspiring, strong etc.

4. Practical INFORMATION about the meeting
I need to give George some practical information about the meeting, like time and place. Or that it takes an hour and a half, two at most. If George doesn’t know, where our tearoom is, I offer to wait for him at a known place 10 minutes earlier.

5. REPEAT the invitation
I wonder how many people came after only the first invitation only. A Czech person needs to be invited repeatedly; personally, by a text message, email, on Facebook… “I’m looking forward to Discovery tomorrow at seven…”
When George doesn’t come though he promised, you can send him a message with a key thought from what you’ve read: “Jesus made 600 liters of wine from water on a wedding! Such a cool Guy! See you next Tuesday at seven…”

Let me summarize the basic principles important for the conversation about Discovery:
1. A brief and attractive DESCRIPTION
2. What will it GIVE him (Primarily I say, what it brings to me…)
3. My „RADIATION“ (passion and so)
4. Practical INFORMATION
5. Invitation needs to be REPEATED

Lord Jesus, You were very excited about your heavenly Father. You spoke of Him authentically, lively, strongly and repeatedly. Teach us how to formulate the invitation for God’s word with enthusiasm and strongly. After all, You yourself are there with us!


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