B07 Communication Is Connection


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B07 Communication Is Connection

I would be very interested to know what comes to mind when you say „communication“. Someone imagines speaking, exchanging information, presenting. Someone else is reminded of „roads“. Yes, speaking and roads grasp the Latin word „communicare“ – „to connect“, „share“, even „entrust“.


When we say „evangelize,“ we usually have the idea of „telling“ people something. Sure, the gospel is Good News. However, our words are far from the only message we bring to our people and what they perceive from us. Our words are definitely not the most important thing they remember about us!

As part of evangelistic training, advice is often given on „what to say“. For example, how to answer usual questions of unbelievers. At best, it is also discussed „how to say it“. This can be very useful! However, what is your own experience in contact with friends who do not yet know Jesus personally? Is the success in our clever answers? Although we tell sophisticated truths, there is often no connection at all. If my speech upsets George, it would be a clearer sign that there was a connection than if he left and it did nothing with him. Conversely, have you shared something with no confidence about your spiritual experience, and this has raised a lot of curious questions in your friend, and his interest persisted, though you have not had good answers? A connection probably succeeded!

The content of my message is extremely important! I think about what to say, and I memorized some important parts. However, effectiveness of my communication I measure not by what I say and how I say it, but by whether the connection has taken place. Preferably, even according to what happens in my George. Effective spiritual ministry is not „telling“ people something, but first making „connection.“ Only the connection with George will allow me to clearly introduce living Jesus to him at the right time and to invite him into a personal relationship with Him.
Sure, I rehearsed what I want to tell my George! I know exactly how to guide him on his journey towards Jesus. But if I sprinkled him unilaterally with information, he would run away from me, and warn others! I need to connect with him first. Sometimes I get the impression that – especially at the beginning of new relationships – it doesn’t matter what I said specifically! What matters is what evokes it in him.

How can you connect with your Georges? First, go where they are, and just „be“ with them. See what they say, what they think, and what „radiates“ out of them. An important part of my connection with people is my listening. I start with a real interest that most people have never experienced before. Sometimes listening can be quite long. The fruit of patience did not return to me with some until a few weeks later. However, this listening allowed me to find the key to their heart. I knew what they were concerned about, what they were doing, what values they were building their lives on, and I was able to sensitively bring living Jesus to them in their context…

Um, did I connect with you in this lesson? Did I evoke your thinking, interest, curiosity, even a decision to start something, or do something different? Or at least think about the people around you in the meantime? I really wish that the fruit of my connection with you in these lessons would be your transformed thinking and also your actions. I pray for it! Will you join my prayers? And will you start working in your area, too? Can you pass the link to this site to your other believing friends?

Lord Jesus, thank you for connecting with us to the extent that you have taken on all our bad things on you so that we may be perfectly clean in the presence of God and have direct contact with You. You are worthy of our complete devotion and following Your steps…


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