B09 Postponing Is Often a Killer


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B09 Postponing Is Often a Killer

I know that even very busy people watch these lessons. They have families, job and mostly are involved also in the Christian ministry. I am trying to estimate how many videos have you personally seen at this web Mosty k lidem. I really appreciate every five minutes you invest in these lessons!
I’m very interested in your relational map. How many acquaintances did you manage to write in different circles? 20, 60 or 120? By the way, the relational map needs to be continuously updated. If someone rejects me, it’s fine, I have a number of others to contact. I am looking for people who are prepared by Jesus.
I ask about the relational map because


And I often see that the biggest obstacle to the success of good intentions is simply procrastination. No doubt that – like me – you live very intense life. If you have a job, a family and a ministry, then you have completely full plate. But people out there are dying! They die here and now – not just once after their physical death. Sure, some pretend to be fine and reject Jesus. But many live a life they don’t like themselves. Even many of your people feel that their lives lack a deeper meaning. At the same time, they have no idea that there is a deeper meaning at all! If you have personally invited Jesus into your life, then you have the Answer for them! And you are probably the only one around them who can show them living Jesus!

Our ministry to unbelievers does not have to mean much extra time. Sure, you’ll have two hours a week for your Discovery, but in the first place, it’s about taking advantage of the opportunities that are already around us!

Students sometimes have a lot to do. But when they are motivated, they get into anything. I like to see students purposefully sharing the Good News of Jesus, and some not only to their classmates, even to complete strangers!
Are you fully at work or doing business? What about lunches, business trips, various spare times, downtimes and all sorts of looser activities?
Our friend – mother of three small children, who really has full life – declares: „Motherhood is wonderful opportunity to win people for Jesus“!
An elderly believer used to say, “My doctor tells me to go for walks every day. That’s how I talk to people about Jesus… “
Leave your house praying that Jesus would send the right people in your way. Wherever you go, bless those you meet – at the various levels we have talked about recently. I guarantee you that your own life will then be incomparably richer, happier and more fruitful; with the fruit that will cross the threshold of your own death.

We had small children, I worked more than full time, and at the same time we served dozens of people. It was very challenging! But right at that time we came to know our beloved Jesus like never before! We have seen Him do much bigger things than ever before. And, our children have been part of transformation of many lives. They saw the people „before“ and „after“. Today, our children are the bearers of this transformation for many others in their generation and beyond.

I mean, unnecessary procrastination is a killer of good decisions. If something inspires you at this web, I’m happy! The bad news is that listening to these videos alone won’t make any difference in your life! It is ideal to start the application NOW. And if you can’t right now, at least put your decision on your calendar, so that you have a specific date. It is usually great help to share your decision or even the date to your buddy. A group of three or four equally hot people has even more power…

Set a date for your first Discovery and that’s it! Feel free to put that date far enough in a month. Spend the first week in intense prayer, creating your relational map, engaging other prayers, reviewing these lessons again, printing a Discovery Guide, and in the meantime talking to friends and acquaintances on your map. Wherever the open door appears, invite them directly to the specific date of your first Discovery. For example, “George, one of my friends is doing such a very interesting informal Bible reading. Even complete unbelievers go there and wonder what is there what they themselves discovered. I want to try it, too. You are so receptive and attentive – Your feedback will help me in particular. Maybe we’ll be two, three, five. Can you, in a week on Tuesday? ”

Lord Jesus, I thank You for the people who found the courage and addressed me, to show me the way to You and then the way with You.


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