C06 I Introduce Jesus to George


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C06 I Introduce Jesus to George


(It is important that you watch the video here! There is a graphic presentation.)

Listen, George, have you ever tried to talk with Jesus? I don’t mean religion or church, just Jesus.
1) In the beginning, God and man talked to each other normally, and people fully experienced God’s closeness. I have a little illustration…
2) Then man turned his back on God and did things that God warned him against. This human evil created a huge gap between them. But without contact with God, people live empty lives; and so they always try to overcome the gap. However, their own possibilities are short. Some try good deeds, some try religion, some charity and other things.
3) God cares very much about people, so he sent Jesus, who – by his sacrifice – became a bridge over the gap of human wrongs. He died on the cross for human evil. But then God raised him up, so we can communicate with Him today.
4) All we have to do is cross this bridge by inviting Jesus into our lives and thus renew our connection with God. Tell Him, for example, “Jesus, thank You for making such sacrifice, so that you may invite me to your Kingdom – back to relationship with God. Please forgive me for all the evil I have ever done, come into my life and lead me.” Do you want to say something like this to Jesus right now?

This is a way to bring the Good News as we have presented it to many of our friends. I can tell you that for many of them, the path to their new life with Jesus went this way. When I can draw the illustration, it’s better. I carry a pencil and cards with me! But a napkin in the restaurant is enough. I will then give the picture to George. If George does not decide to accept Jesus on the spot, I hope that he will return to my card someday.
If he chooses Jesus on the spot, I encourage him to draw the same picture to one of his friends soon. Ideally, he tries it with me, first: “And what will you draw to your friend when you meet him? Try it. “
If there is no time for illustration – on paper or in the snow, for example – I still tell my George the same four main ideas.

I don’t know how much you’ve tried in sharing Jesus‘ Good News. After a series of observations, I suggest that you do not say anything beyond this simple presentation. Don’t explain anything George doesn’t ask. It is not just about your explanation and now it is about your George. I’m looking forward to someone else, whom George himself will bring to Jesus, within a week! For this he needs a concise and clear expression of the essence of the Good News and the challenge.
Again, I highly recommend you memorize this tested and proven „script“.

If your George is not ready to address Jesus right away, suggest that he would do so as soon as possible, for example on his way home. „And when you tell Jesus, send me a text message!“ If he does not send it the next day, you send it to him: „I am very interested in how your conversation with Jesus turned out.“ In any case, you address Jesus‘, in George’s presence…
„Jesus, thank you for being here with us. Thank you for making the great sacrifice for me, too, so that I may have such lovely connection with You. Thank you for forgiving me all the bad things, for loving me very much and for always being with me.“


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