A10 Which Passage Should I Choose?


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A10 Which Passage Should I Choose?

Recommended passages for a short introductory series
John 2,1-12 – Water into wine transformation
Luke 5,1-11 – Unexpected fish catch
Luke 15,1-7 – The lost sheep
Acts 9,1-23 – Jesus and Saul from Tarsus
Stories for other possible series are on this page below the lesson.

We are talking here about a “Discovery” with friends, who don’t know Jesus, yet. Most of them are complete unbelievers. Some may be religious, but have a really foggy image of the Bible. So we choose passages that will be interesting for them and will bring important information or experience!
If it’s about specific biblical passages, I recommend a short series at first. We take it as a test, what such reading and community will do with our friends. It consists of texts that introduce Jesus, shortly. Then they can long for Him and want to know Him more, or it helps them realize that this is not for them, yet.
The first meeting we openly label a „taste meeting“ – agreeing on the first date already: “George, come once and late you’ll decide, if you want to continue.”
We start with the story of Jesus changing water into wine (John 2,1-12). It turned out to be a proven experience. The biggest surprise for unbelievers usually is that Jesus made 600 liters of wine. Yes, wine! 🙂
At the end of the first “tasting” meeting we offer other three or four episodes of this introductory series: “There is a lot of other interesting stories in the Bible, that show us, who Jesus is. Are we up to other bits? It would be great if we all could attend! And then we will agree on further steps. What about next Tuesday?”
Some people immediately say they would love to come. Others told us, after the first experience, “It was interesting, but it is probably not for me.” We kindly respond: “Thanks, George, for coming and contributing to our conversation.”
The recommended Bible passages for this short introductory series are at the bottom of the page.

I have a few important notes for the first series.
To the second or third meeting we carefully add a short personal story of some of us believers (“a testimony about conversion”). Right after the passage we’ve just discussed I’d say: “Um, I’ve experienced something similar with Jesus…” And my one-minute story follows.
We need to think and pray about this our story through. When they ask more, you can develop it further. However, the monologue should not be longer than two minutes. And it should not contain the Christian language! (I talk about the personal story in separate lessons.)
The first series of Bible passages is usually a prelude to kind challenge for our friends to try to address Jesus, that they would invite Him to their life as Savior and “Boss”. A short example and a question are ideal: “George, can you imagine saying something similar to Jesus?” This suggestion may be said at a group forum or in a personal conversation. (A brief illustration of the Good news and challenge also is in one of the following lessons.)

Some Georges need to search, think and talk for more weeks after the first series. If we see a spiritual move, we like to invite them to the second series: “Are you up to other five passages, which will help us to get to know Jesus personally? Who can come next Tuesday?”
Our goal in Discovery is to show George Jesus and also a way of how to invite Him to his life. If he accepts Jesus, the goal is to guide George in following Him. But if George isn’t ready to accept Jesus even after the second series, we pray and think if the third series would be of any help. We had some friends, who liked hanging out with us; they liked our nice community. However nothing was going on in their spiritual life. We stopped inviting them for a while. By that we create a space for others, who are waiting for biblical inspiration through Discovery.
When it comes to a relative or a close person, we definitely would look for ways to serve them to get to know Jesus. We can invite someone for the first series again when we’ll be doing it with other people from our relational map.

Lord Jesus, thank You that God’s word is God’s power to salvation of everyone, who trusts You. Please send us people, who are ready to open and follow You after hearing Your Word.

Recommended introductory series

A recommended introductory series
John 2,1-12 – Water to wine transformation (Jesus has a huge power; Jesus doesn’t destroy a good fun.)
Luke 5,1-11 – Unexpected fish catch (Jesus helps practically; Peter sees his wickedness; I’ll teach you to “fish men”.)
Luke 15,1-7 – The lost sheep (Jesus cares; He finds the lost; there’s joy in heaven for the one, who comes to Jesus.)
Acts 9,1-23 – Jesus and Saul from Tarsus (The living Jesus communicates with Saul after he was resurrected!)

Jesus’ miracles according to John
John 2,1-12 – Water changed into wine (Jesus has a huge power; Jesus doesn’t spoil a good party.)
John 4, 46-54 – Healing remotely (Trusting Jesus is prerequisite for Him to do something.)
John 5, 1-17 – Healing a paralyzed man at a lake (Jesus has compassion and power to help.)
John 6, 1-14 – Feeding five thousand (Jesus notices the needs and has power to help.)
John 6, 15-25 – Jesus walks on water (Jesus has power above nature.)
John 9,1-41 – Healing a man blind since birth
John 11,1-46 – Resurrection of Lazarus

Jesus’ “I am” statements according to John
John 6, 1-15; 33-37 – I am the bread of life
John 8,1-12 – I am the light of the world
John 10,1-14 – I am the door / I am the good shepherd
John 11,1-27; 33-44 – I am the resurrection and life
John 14,1-14 – I am the way, the truth and the life
John 15,1-9 – I am a grapevine

Stories of hope
Mark 4,35-41 – Hope when the world’s falling apart (Calming a storm)
Luke 12,22-34 – Hope in the worries of life (About the grass and lilies)
Luke 18,35-43 – Hope in the sickness (Blind man at Jericho)
Luke 19,1-10 – Hope when not accepted (Zacheus)
Luke 15,11-32 – Hope of unconditional love (Two sons)
Matthew 18,21-35 – Hope of forgiveness (About the unfair servant)
John 11,1-44 – Hope in hopelessness (Lazarus)
Luke 18,9-14 – Hope of relief (About the Pharisee and a customs officer)
John 3,1-21 – Hope for searching (Talk with Nicodemus)


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