B02 Double Connection


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B02 Double Connection

„What do you do that even complete unbelievers come to your Bible reading?“ was the initiation question for these lessons. One of the most important principles I would call „double connection“. The essence of effective ministry to people who do not yet know Jesus lies, on the one hand, in my close connection with Jesus, and at the same time in my effective connection with the person (or group) I share with.

I meet Christians who live intense and beautiful life with Jesus, it seems. However, if their connection with people is either superficial, reserved, or active but somehow clumsy, it prevents them from sharing Jesus naturally and effectively, even though they personally love Him very much, and perhaps diligently try to bring something spiritual to the people around them.

Sometimes it’s the other way around. There are believers, who have very good connection with various friends, but their lives with Jesus are limping, so actually they have nothing deeper to draw from and pass on. When they do not have ongoing living contact with Jesus, they have nothing to offer. They may have learned to „say“ something, but it does not have the necessary spiritual strength to lead to change.
Does this mean that I can share Jesus only when I am perfect in my relationship with Him? On the contrary, start now! Sharing with unbelieving friends leads me to a deeper connection with Jesus, encourages me. I really need Jesus in contact with different people! I talk to Jesus about my people, I listen to Him quietly during my conversations, I also ask Him to touch them directly, which is extremely important, and He likes to do it.

So keep in mind that the essence of success in any spiritual ministry is double connection. Your intense and joyful connection with living Jesus, and at the same time, Your effective connection with a specific person (or a small group). Both of these, we need to develop and practice on ongoing basis.

Thank you, Jesus, for establishing a connection with us for such a great price; and now You are sending us to connect with other people around us, and to bring your closeness to them. Thanks for being at every step with us…


List of the Online Lessons:    A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H