B28 I Don’t Have All the Answers


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B28 I Don’t Have All the Answers

Unbelieving George asks direct questions and seems to want clear arguments! This is a scene that terrifies some believers, and this is why they take no initiative in relation to unbelievers: „I don’t know what I would answer to them!“
I will tell you a secret that they did not teach me in the subject of „apologetics“ at the Bible school. (Apologetics is presented as a „defense of the faith“, and is usually understood as a reservoir of answers to usual difficult questions of unbelievers.)
My secret proven many times with many different unbelievers George is here: Although I have well-thought-through answers to some of my friends‘ questions and I know from experience they work perfectly, I often do not say them at all! At first I listen carefully, look him in the eye, and prayerfully think: Why is he asking, actually? Why does he ask just this question? What is he actually asking? Is this a question in fact? Sometimes I kindly ask my George, „What do you mean?“ „Do you have any experience with that?“

Sometimes I watch the real search at first glance. I am really glad! Other times, the question is a form of self-defense. George feels confused with my peace and my inner certainty that radiates from me! Quite often, he wants to dominate the talk by questioning me. He uses questions to push me into a corner. More than once I experienced a question that was literally intended as an attack. Other times it’s just a provocation – a „poke“. Attacks or provocative questions are usually not resolved by a clever answer. So I respond only with a smile and kindness. Often completely without a verbal answer!
Since I started dealing with my unbelievers Georges with convincing and deeply true respect for them and with unprecedented kindness, then the various defensive, offensive and provocative expressions of my new friends have basically disappeared. Predominantly search queries come.
You may be surprised, but my tone of speech and especially my attitude I approach George with, play significant role in the kind of George’s questions. Your attitude of respect and kind interest will affect George’s heart more than a super apologetic answer.
Today, for the most part, I only answer real questions. That is, when I feel that the question reflects George’s searching and interest. Then I like to guide him in his search. As a guide in his search I move from a dry argument to personal experiences with Jesus or to the experiences of someone else with living Jesus, including experiences of biblical characters. Experiences tend to be stronger than just „logical“ arguments, although it is also important and useful for searchers. Or I will use some of my parables or other tools that I present to you in these lessons. And when we get a little further, of course, it’s God’s Word.

The important thing is that for effective spiritual conversation about Jesus I don’t have to answer all of George’s questions! That has become immensely liberating for me! Although I have the answer, I’m considering giving it to him or not. If I don’t have an answer, it doesn’t matter! The Lord Jesus also left some questions unanswered! (Matthew 19:16-21; 22:41-46; Mark 3:2-5; 9:31-32; 13:3-7; 14:61) Definitely not because he lacked the right answers!
My expression „I don’t know“ is definitely not the first thing I would leave George with! „Think with me,“ I say occasionally to his questions and sincere doubts. By the way, a question to which you do not have a clear answer right now can be a great catch for next time! „George, I’ve been thinking about your question and I’ve come to a conclusion that…“ and now something… When I don’t know or hesitate, I often say with a smile: “Thanks, you inspired me a lot! I have something to think about now… “

I agree that it is good to think about the repeated questions of unbelievers and have answers ready. Involve your buddy or other more experienced believers in creating answers to questions that you have really heard from your friends. But to find out what your unbelieving friends are really asking, you must first share living Jesus with them. Otherwise, it will be just religious empty talk. If you share living Jesus in person, for yourself, I estimate that your friends‘ questions will not be difficult theological or scientific. They will be more personal, deep, exploratory; they will ask about Your inner life with that Jesus. Be very grateful for such questions. Open your heart to them in the answers…

Lord Jesus, observing Your reactions to the questions of the people around You is a great inspiration to me. Thanks.


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