The Funnel

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The FUNNEL is a set of partial tools that have been tested many times. We demonstrated these tools on this website or during the live training Bridges to People. It is the basic skeleton of conversation with unbelievers as we share the Good News of the Lord Jesus on various occasions. As a reminder, there is a summary graphic first, and below is a detailed template of what you can say. Keep the individual parts as simple and concise as possible. Learn the individual tools BY HEART. Then you will be ready for any occasion with people who do not yet know the Lord Jesus personally.

I say what is in the blue text.


You can download the graphics in pdf format by clicking HERE.
For the purposes of further study and training, you can open it in a separate window by clicking HERE.


By „Opener“ we mean the start of a conversation.

a) After a smile and a greeting, it is quite easy with friends and ACQUAINTANCES to ask directly how they are doing and, according to the answer, to get involved in their problem or joy with a simple prayer. (See INTEREST and PRAYER below.)

b) The initial connection with STRANGERS also begins with a smile and a greeting.
To start a conversation, we sometimes use a small gift, for example a small candle nicely wrapped in a cellophane bag with a ribbon or a hand-drawn small picture to think about.

Hello there.
Today we’re making people happy.
We have a small gift for you.
We really do not want anything back – just for your joy.
(It can be for you or for your partner…)

(With or without a gift, it is usually possible to start by asking the following simple question…)


Hi George, HOW ARE YOU?

a) „Ah, things are going from bad to worse…“
Can I ask you what’s wrong?
„My knee hurts…“
(I listen and ask more.)
Oh, that must be difficult.
When I have a problem
I talk with Jesus
and He always finds a way out.

Thank you, Jesus,
that You love George
and I ask you to help him
with the problem with his knee…

b) „Yeah, good / super…!“
That’s great! What are you feeling happy about?
„My knee does not hurt me any more!“
(I listen and ask more.)
That’s awesome.
When I am happy about something,
I talk about it with Jesus and
that makes me even happier.

Thank you, Jesus,
that you love George
and that his knee is OK again…


For inspiration, see Lesson 31. Short Story (3:43).

You know, in my experience Jesus really makes a difference.

There was a time in my life,
when I was _____________________ and _____________________.
Then I said: Jesus, please COME into my life,
FORGIVE me all the bad things I have ever done
and LEAD me.“
Since then I _____________________ and _____________________.

How about you and Jesus?
„I have never thought about it…“

D) The BRIDGE over the GAP

For inspiration, see Lesson 32. I introduce him to Jesus.

Have you ever tried talking to Jesus?
I don’t mean religion or church. Just Jesus.

„No. Is that possible?“

If possible I draw a picture or show the principle by gestures and briefly say:

There’s an illustration that helped me a lot…


1) In the beginning God and people simply talked with each other.


Then people turned their back on God and did things which God did not like.
Because of this human wrongdoing, a huge gap was created between God and people.


Without a connection with God, people live empty lives.
So they try to overcome the gap.
Some try good deeds, some try religions, some try spiritual experiences.
However, we can’t reach God by any of these ways.


But God really cares for people.
That’s why He sent Jesus to become a bridge over the gap of human wrongdoings.
He paid for all our bad stuff by his sacrifice on the cross.
Then God raised Jesus from the dead so we can communicate with Him personally even today.


All we need to do, now, is to cross the bridge by inviting Jesus into our life.
Tell Him, for example:
„Jesus, please, COME into my life
FORGIVE me for everything I’ve done wrong,
and LEAD me.“

Tell Jesus something like that right now…
“Jesus, please,
COME into my life,
FORGIVE me for everything I’ve done wrong,
and LEAD me.”


I observe the response.

1) As GREEN light indicates a person who prays a short prayer to accept Jesus.
In that case, I continue here to the 4 F’s and the Coin and then to Enter.

2) The YELLOW light means that he is not yet ready to surrender to Jesus.
For example, he says he needs to think about it, or he wants more information, etc.
So I will invite him to Discovery (see below), I will continue the next conversation and arrange the next personal meeting as soon as possible (within 48 hours).

3) The RED light is the one who rejects the Good News, so far.
Even so, I invite him to Discovery (see below) and continue my friendly conversation about ordinary things that will be a blessing to him. Sometimes even reluctant people change their minds after the first experience with the living Word of God and with living Jesus, whom they got to know through a small community of His joyful followers!
Look also at section G. George did not believe – what’s next?

4) BLUE LIGHT: he says he is a Christian.

Um, that’s great!
And do you think God has forgiven you for all the bad things you’ve ever done?

        a) If I see any doubt, I will show him the Bridge Over the Gap again and challenge him to tell Jesus all his bad things that he is not sure are forgiven. I will read 1 John 1:7,9: (7)… The sacrifice of Jesus cleanses us from every sin. (9) When we confess our sins, God is faithful and just — He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
See also lesson 33. Guiding across the bridge (5:24), variant B.

        b) If he expresses joyful certainty of accepting Jesus, I rejoice with him. I offer to teach him this way of sharing Jesus – I will show it to him on the spot and take him further with me so that he can watch and get involved. I will give him a link to this website Bridges to People, exchange contact information with him and invite him to another opportunity when we go out, or to the live training.

F) 4F’s and the Coin

When someone prays the prayer of accepting Jesus, any coin and pencil and small card will be useful for the next step – write the keywords (see red here on the right).

It’s great that you have invited Jesus into your life!
Jesus gives you some great gifts:

  1. You’ve joined the FAMILY of God.
  2. Through Jesus’ sacrifice all your bad stuff has been FORGIVEN!
  3. Jesus is FOREVER with you.
  4. Jesus gives your life FULLNESS and meaning

Can you repeat that to remember it better?
What did you receive from Jesus?

„FAMILY of God
Jesus is with me FOREVER
FULLNESS and meaning.“

Which of these things is the most important for you personally?
„Jesus with me!“

Are there other people in your life who could benefit from these gifts?
„Sure, Peter, John and Sandi, too!“

I will gladly show you how you can help them.

Life with Jesus is like a precious coin that has two sides.
Jesus says two important things to his disciples:
One side: „FOLLOW ME.“ (He will be your Guide.)
And other side: „SHARE ME with others.“
Everyone with whom you share Jesus and who accepts Him also receives these amazing gifts.

Can you repeat that to remember it better?
What are the two sides of life with Jesus?

„1. Follow me, and
2. Share me with others.“

Do you want to follow Jesus and speak about Him with others?

Then please accept this coin.
It will remind you of your decision for Jesus.
To follow Him.
And to share Him with others.


(Inspired by Mark 1:16-17)

I will hand the coin over to him to remind him of his own decision today.


Jesus has a lot of other wonderful things for you.
Can we discuss some of them tomorrow? At least for a few minutes.
We may need to meet a few times. Meeting with another believer really helped me to be clear on what this all means.

As we went through the 4 F’s and the Coin together, I will arrange another meeting – preferably the next day (max. within 48 hours).
Connect at least briefly over the phone.
Especially when someone shows the signs of a „man of peace“, do your best to make further contact as soon as possible and also for a friendly meeting with his close ones.
Pray intensely for him.
Teach him all these tools and practice them well together. Encourage him to try them with his own people. Help him with that.

As for a stranger on the street, don’t leave too fast! If he has time, listen and share the most important things.
Alternatively, try a short Discovery right there on the spot.

(For inspiration: lesson E01 The New Beginning (5:37))

Several basic topics for the life of a Jesus follower are summarized in Enter – see the main topics below.


Regardless of the response, I invite the person to Discovery. After the first experience with the living Word of God, sometimes even reluctant people change their minds!

Have you ever tried reading the Bible?
I don’t mean religion or church! Just the Bible…

„In high school, maybe…“

When we read the Bible with unbelieving friends, they are surprised how interesting and practical it is.
We go through a short paragraph together, talk about it,
and everyone finds something for themselves there.
Sometimes we really discover something new: „This is in the Bible?!”
I’m sure it will be interesting for you, as well!
Bring two or three friends and we can try it!
Maybe at your favorite coffee shop? Or at your home…?
What do you think about next Tuesday night, at six?
May I remind you on Monday?

„Sure, call me…“

(If needed we would exchange our contact information.)

Section A. Discovery Bible Study with Non-believers contains a number of inspiring suggestions. In particular, see the lesson A03 How to Invite George to the Discovery (5:00).
In Section B. Contact with the Friends you will find practical instructions and examples on how to break various barriers and how to develop effective contacts with non-beliveing friends. Study it and try it soon with real people out there.


For a new believer, we have a set of very important basic topics: ENTER.
(It is only in the Czech language, so far. The page can be easily viewed on a mobile phone as well. The three horizontal dashes at the top left represent the MENU for switching between topics. Make sure to look there.)

Each meeting we guide in a three-thirds structure (just like Discovery). It is very important; we do it to change lives, not just to give information. Moreover, our new disciple will learn this structure very quickly and can serve other disciples through it, whom he will reach for Jesus.
      a) Look back
      b) Look up
      c) Look forward

ENTER, topics:
      − Discovery – Creative Bible reading
      − Enter #0 „GAMF“-Coin-Baptism
      − Enter #1 Sharing Jesus
      − Enter #2 Conversation with Jesus
      − Enter #3 Problems because of Jesus
      − Enter #4 Love
      − Enter #5 God’s family
      − Enter #6 Baptism
      − Enter #7 Reminder of Jesus‘ sacrifice
      − Enter #8 Disciple’s rhythms (see picture on the right)
      − God’s family (three thirds)


List of the Online Lessons:    A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H