A03 How to Invite George to Discovery


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A03 How to Invite George to Discovery

(Turn the English subtitles on in the video!)

Sometimes when I was talking with my friends, who didn’t know Jesus, I usually thought long of various connections, how to get to something spiritual. Gradually, I’ve found out that creating some “donkey bridges” to spiritual topics is not necessary at all.
The following type of dialogue keeps happening in variations around me again and again. Think of it as a first practical answer to an initiating question of this series, “Waht do you do that you get those unbelievers to your Bible study.”

“Hi George, how have you been…” (Usually I get some answers, then I listen and ask further questions and there’s more listening. But then I get to the point with a smile and ease.)
“Listen, George, I’d like to ask you, have you ever tried reading the Bible? I don’t mean religion or church! Just the Bible…” (The answer is usually short: “You know I’m not a believer…!” Or: “Yeah, a long time ago in high school…”)
“You know, sometimes, when we read the Bible with my unbelieving friends, they’re really surprised how interesting and practical it is.
We go through a small paragraph, talk about it, and everyone finds something for themselves there.
Sometimes there are really big discoveries, ‘Oh boy, that’s in the Bible, really?!’
I’m certain it would be interesting for you, also!
Take two or three friends and we can try it!
What about the tearoom? Or at your home…?
How about next Tuesday evening?
I’ll text you on Monday. OK?”

I can assure you that I have found this gist of the invitation to Discovery very useful. Sure, my Georges interrupt my easy scenario with their stimuli and comments. Here’s A FEW STANDARD SITUATIONS:
a) Even though I clearly say: “I’m not talking about religion or church! – just the Bible…” George still talks about church, crusades, etc. I’ve a simple solution for this. I just repeat: “Yeah, I’m not talking about religion or church; we simply read the Bible and it’s really awesome. I guarantee you, you’ve never experienced anything like this, yet!”
b) When he says he’s read the Bible, I respond: “That’s cool! How was it?” Sometimes I even ask: “Do you remember, which part you’ve read? I have the best experience with stories about Jesus. Those are surprisingly interesting and practical…!”
c) My Georges often cannot recall other friends, who would try such Bible reading; at least at the beginning. Then I say: “So, come and try it with my friends and you’ll see. Wednesday, 6PM, the tearoom at the square?”
d) If we don’t have each other’s contact yet, I say: “If something changed, it would be good to exchange our phone numbers…”

Let me summarize shortly the main parts of the invitation, which I like to use often and with success. I’d recommend you to memorize it (as I did)…
“George, have you ever tried reading the Bible?
I don’t mean religion or church; just the Bible…
Sometimes I read it with my unbelieving friends.
They’re surprised, how interesting and useful it is.
We go through a paragraph, talk about it and everyone finds something for themselves.
I’m certain it will be interesting for you as well!
Take two or three friends, come and try it with me!
In your tearoom? Or at your home…?
What about next Tuesday evening?”

Lord Jesus, give us internal freedom and peaceful certainty, please, when we’ll be inviting our Georges to Discovery. Thanks that YOU yourself are the guarantee that it will be interesting and discovering for them…


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