B03 Boxes in Head


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B03 Boxes in Head

have imaginary boxes in our heads, into which we continuously sort various information. By observing, I found out that when one of my friends who does not yet know Jesus hears some of our precious Christian words, he does not examine anything – he has already solved it. In his head he throws me into a box with general inscription „religion“ or rather into category „boredom“, or „no interest“ or even „annoying – avoid“.

This classification is not based on any comprehensive consideration. It is completely impulsive, according to the image I imprinted on it with my first „Christian“ stimuli. These are simply the stereotypes our people have about what is generally called „Christianity“. Even though I say very important things, and I believe they are interesting, my friend looks at me – whatever I say – through the inscription on his box: „religion“, „boredom“ or „annoying“.
But if we make a little deeper connection and our conversation continues for a while, the inclusion of my person in various boxes in his head may get more accurate, he may move me slightly. For example, if I appeared under the inscription „some believer, but good“, I could, if I pushed too much, get into the class, „Watch our, a cult!“ Nevertheless, after a few weeks of contact, I was transferred to a box of „pretty smart guy“.

My „George“, who does not yet know Jesus personally and does not live with Him, has put me in his box. Is this my end? Am I doomed to fail further talks? No way! If I accepted my place in this box, I would only confirm his stereotypes. And that would be great pity! Especially for him.
My Georges simply do not have a suitable box in their heads for me and for real Jesus I live with! So, I learn to make my friends to create completely new boxes in their heads for me and for my Jesus right since the first meeting! Then, I continuously supply them with more and more stimuli, so that in a short time – now mostly in the first or second meeting – they form a completely new orientation idea.

You may be surprised, but not only Czech unbelievers have boxes in their heads; Czech Christians also have them! When someone tells me that people here don’t want to hear the gospel, I try to crash this box for them, remake it. Because it’s just a lie…!
In the following lessons, I pass on ideas and experiences in gradual steps of creating new boxes in the heads of our friends.

Lord Jesus, thank you for not leaving us in the „sinners“ box, where we rightfully belonged. You came to us to take us out of the box and transfer to freedom of „precious children of the living God.“ Thank you for not even leaving yourself in our heads in the box of „distant God“, but you pull yourself out and show us how close you are to us, how powerful and good you are…


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