B04 I Remove My Barriers


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B04 I Remove My Barriers

When people experience something beautiful, pleasant, strong, they share it very naturally. Someone returns from a good holiday and, though they might be tired of traveling, they ale full of the new experience and energy. And what if someone falls in love? It is very difficult to hide something like this from attentive eyes.

Let me ask you a question. Is Jesus such a beautiful, joyful, valuable and powerful matter for you? – Relationship with Him? Life with Him? Or at least some experiences with Him, here and there? I wonder why we don’t talk about our lives with Jesus at least as naturally and enthusiastically as, for example, about a good vacation or our hobbies. I find several inner BARRIERS that usually prevent us from sharing the natural and enthusiastic way about Jesus. I want to encourage you very much to choose from the following alternatives the one that seems strongest to you for yourself. Present it to Jesus and ask Him what specific steps you can take to remove it.

1. Doubts about JESUS – It somehow isn’t „seen“ that Jesus is always with me. And He doesn’t seem to have all the power in heaven or on earth …
2. Doubts about my MESSAGE – Why should a talk about Jesus on the cross change someone’s life…?
3. Doubts about my own VALUE – I would look awkward…
4. Doubts about my SKILLS – I don’t know how to start, how to switch from ordinary things to spiritual ones, I won’t have answers to their questions…
5. Doubts about the PEOPLE I address. – Nobody is interested in my Good news here and now.

This is just a very brief selection of the most common doubts I see and hear. I myself had several of these barriers. The first task was to admit them, identify them, and then I needed to work with Jesus to remove them. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it! I’m still working on some. But in close connection with Him it goes forward! Satan is a deceiver. He tells us all kinds of nonsense, we call them doubts, but they are lies! We need to stand up against those lies. Jesus says, “If you remain in me, you will bear plenty of fruit! And the fruit shall remain! ”(John 15:5)

So, choose one of your barriers, present it to Jesus, ask Him for specific steps to remove it, and just do those steps. Are your barriers doubts about Jesus? Or doubts about your message? Many Christians have completely unnecessary doubts about their own worth or skills and, of course, about the people they address. Do you need to study something, learn something, or rather unlearn something, or join someone who shows kind of success and blessings, or ask Jesus for a few open people who long for Him…?

Lord Jesus, thank you for breaking your comfort, descending from your glory, and overcoming the greatest barrier that ever existed — our evil. Please empower to overcome unnecessary barriers that are within us.


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