B11 Practicing Is the Core of a Skill


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B11 Practicing Is the Core of a Skill

(Turn the English subtitles on in the video!)

In every sport, certain basic skills are practiced over and over again. When playing a musical instrument, you keep repeating something. This maintains and improves your ability to control the instrument. In other fields, too, it is known that – especially when I can’t do something – I need more training or better training!
The first prerequisite for our efficient ministry is, of course, our interior – constant, pure and intense contact with Jesus. A clear awareness of my value and the identity that Jesus gave me. This results in a healthy attitude towards the people I should reach.
But the interior is followed tightly by the skill! And we can learn that to a great extent! Do you remember? “What I learned well is natural for me.” “What I learned well, Jirka also perceives as natural…” And so, after a lot of experience, we put great emphasis on practice. Coping with standard situations is simply essential. For example, as part of my preparation, I will be „inviting“ you to my planned Discovery, as if you were my Jirka. Three times, five times, even ten times… Until I am able to do it properly. And until you find it natural – believable
If you haven’t tried anything like this before, you probably have no idea how powerful such training of a certain quality tool is. It will help you to reach your inner freedom and relief. And if you persevere in it for a few weeks, it will lead you directly to the mastery in that given skill. In practical use with the real Jirka, I don’t necessarily say it word for word. But the thoughtful, prayed and rehearsed words lead me in a clear way. And to constantly have them in my heart, I need to use them often; to keep repeating them!

Maybe you are able to improvise. But when I saw the brand new believer Jirka „improvise“ while sharing the gospel I was was startled. From his „improvisation“ it would be very difficult for his friend to learn how it actually works with Jesus and what he should do. It lacked basic biblical principles and practical suggestions. As soon as my new believer Jirka tried using a simple „tool“ to explain the gospel with me, in a few weeks he brought a friend to Jesus…
So, I realized that the premise of the movement is not only my own skill but especially the skill of the disciples I taught. And even more the ability of my new disciples to pass on that skill to their new disciples!

Imagine one of your unbelieving friends whom you would like to invite to your new Discovery. Describe him to your believing partner buddy and then – as if he were your Jirka – invite your buddy to your Discovery. Feel free to read your invitation aloud to your partner first from one of the first lessons of Bridges to People. Then try again – now just taking just a quick look at the text. And again and again… Until you say it by heart, naturally and with certainty. And now tell each other what it was like: “How did you feel in the role of my Jirka whom I am inviting? What do I need to work on more or make more natural? How did I feel when I was inviting Jirka?”
It is good to try some tools in some logical way. I’ll start with the first, smaller part. When I have repeated it so many times that I gain peace in it, I can add the second part. Then I try the first and the second together. Then I add the third part and so on. You see, even at my age I memorize the useful elements. Then I simply know how to effectively invite my Jirka to Discovery, I know how to guide a Discovery, how to bring Jirka to Jesus and many other absolutely basic skills. And it is not forced at all! I just have practiced it a hundred times, so I’m just relaxed.
The apostle Peter says, „Be ready.“ (1 Peter 3:15) So I am ready! These are standard situations that every Christian should be prepared for. If we were, I think the spiritual scene in our country would change quite quickly and radically.

It is interesting to see, Lord Jesus, that you put in your disciples‘ mouths the first words they should say when they arrive somewhere. Thank You for the possibility to learn this from You. (Luke 10:5,9)


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