C02 A Lighting Story


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C02 A Lighting Story


Children of Christian parents sometimes do not know how to write their lighting story.
At the very bottom here you will find a SUPPLEMENT to help you.

There was a time
When I felt lonely and depressed.
Later I said: Jesus, please, COME into my life, FORGIVE me and GUIDE me.
He has come and since then I talk with Him and joyfully experiencE his closeness.
Do you have an experience like that?

This remarkable form of personal story we call a „lighting story.“ We like to use it as a prelude to one minute version, as we worked on it in previous lessons. When I tell someone this fifteen seconds version, I usually cause questions. And that’s exactly what I want. If my lighting story raises questions, telling a one minute story is usually the first answer. If the questions continue, I’m happy to develop the conversation further. I highly recommend you to prepare and rehearse this lighting form of your story! It’s quite simple.

The introduction is quite universal for everyone:
1. There was a time…

Then say two words, what it was like for you without Jesus. For me, the two words are „lonely“ and „depressed“:
1. There was a time in my life…
2. When I felt very lonely and depressed

The following is a central message about Jesus. No explanation. One short sentence:
3. Later I said: Jesus, please, come into my life, forgive me and guide me.

And the central sentence I complete with two things that Jesus gave me afterwards. For me, it is that I „talk“ to Him and experience His „closeness.“
3. Later I said: Jesus, please, come into my life, forgive me and guide me.
4. He has come and since then I talk with Him and joyfully experiencing his closeness.

The conclusion is a question universal for everyone:
5. Do you have an experience like that?

If we were live together, I would give you five minutes to find two key words about your life before meeting Jesus and two words about how Jesus changed your life. Put a total of four words in a simple template below and you have a lightning story at hand. It will fit in fifteen seconds! You don’t really burden anyone by this. When your micro-story inspires George, you know where to go next – to your thoughtful two-minute story. And when your lightning version slips out without effect, nothing happens, we just go on like ordinary friends…

This lightning form was created by my friend when looking at his life:

There was a time
When I was selfish and felt empty inside,
Then I invited Jesus into my life and accepted his forgiveness.
He gave me love for people and inner peace.
Do you have a story like that?

Create your own lightning story as soon as this video ends! You will have it ready to use immediately. I’ll just advise you to memorize it again. Otherwise, you won’t have it ready…
1. Introductory sentence: There was a time…
2. Two words, how was it without Jesus,
3. Central message: Later I said: Jesus, please, come into my life, forgive me and guide me.
4. The two things Jesus gave you when you received Him,
5. And the final question: Do you have an experience like that?

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for enriching our lives so much that we always have something to share…

Template for your lightning story

There was a time
When I __________________ and __________________.
Later I said: Jesus, please, come into my life, forgive me and guide me.
He came and since then I __________________ and __________________.
Do you have an experience like that?

Supplement for friends from Christian homes

During the live training and at other occasions, a sincere Christian from a believing family comes puzzled. He/she made a decision for Jesus as a fairly small child, so he/she doesn’t remember his story of conversion very authentically, or inadvertently combines it with what parents told him/her. Especially it is difficult to formulate the „BEFORE“ – that is, what it was like before he/she accepted the Lord Jesus.
What to do in these cases?

First question:
      − Do you remember inviting the Lord Jesus into your life in some way?
      − Do you remember that you confessed your sins to Him and accepted His forgiveness?
      − That you asked Him to be the Lord of your life?
If you haven’t done so or if you have any doubts, DO IT NOW! It may be partly again, but it doesn’t matter. Your far away decision will be confirmed, and Jesus will hear you. Just tell Him:
      − „Lord Jesus, please,
      − COME into my life,
      − FORGIVE me everything I have ever done wrong,
      − GUIDE me, please“
Add thanks: “Thank you for making such a great sacrifice that you could invite me over. I gladly accept it…“

To create your lightning story, always keep in mind the MAIN OBJECTIVES:
      a) You want to show your unbelieving friend that HAVING Jesus in life, and NOT HAVING Him is big DIFFERENCE
      b) And at the same time you want to indicate HOW to start the relationship with Him.
(This is not a detailed factual list of your experiences.)

When you know for sure that it happened, and you just don’t remember the details:
      − Start creating your lightning story „from the end“. Write down two significant things Jesus brings to your life today. It can easily be benefits in the level of inner touches, feelings, joy, peace, security, inner support and so on.
      − After expressing two items Jesus brings to you today, think about the opposite. What it must have been like until the Lord was in your life (or what it would have been like if he hadn’t come). Even if you don’t have explicitly negative memories from your early childhood, say the opposite in two words.
      − Perhaps your parents might help you – if they were at your initial conversion; maybe they will remind you that you were scared or angry, insecure, full of doubts, etc.


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