C03 My Story


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C03 My Story

I would like to tell you my story of how I came to know Jesus as Lord.
I come from a believing family. I have attended a Christian congregation since childhood. We had a group for children there which we called „Sunday school“. Auntie – the mother of one of my friends – was very kind and could tell a wonderful story. Every Sunday we heard an interesting Bible story from her. She once told us about the Good Shepherd and the sheep that wandered. The Good Shepherd goes, searches for the sheep, finds it, saves it, and rejoices a lot. At the age of nine, I understood that I was the stray sheep and that the Lord Jesus — as the Good Shepherd — saved me when He died for my sins on the cross. I asked Jesus to accept me like that stray sheep and to forgive me all my sins. I experienced the joy that has continued to accompany me. Later I began to read the Bible and to follow the Lord Jesus.
So far the first versions of my story.

When my „testimony“ was sometimes heard by „ladies in the congregation,“ it was touching for them. However, I never told this form of my story to any unbeliever! It would sound naive, childish. It was as if a little boy had been brainwashed with some Bible tales. I simply avoided the direct question, “How did you come to believe this?” from unbelieving friends. It took me a long time to prayerfully struggle through the form of my story that today I like to tell to my unbelieving friends with pride.

So, here’s the second version:
When I was two and a half months old, my dad died tragically. Growing up in the valley of my mom’s tears, I went through childhood depression and later through a long period of severe speech stuttering. All this led me to search for my own value, the meaning of life and a sufficiently large model of life. As a family, we were meting with people who knew Jesus! Some talked with Him to Jesus like He was right next to them. That inspired me a lot. So, I also tried to address Him, and I was learning to perceive His answers. When it had matured in me, I said, “Jesus, thank you for making such a sacrifice that you could invite even me to you. Please come into my life. Forgive me for all the bad things I’ve ever done. Lead me. Always be with me.”
It came as a great relief. And gradually I perceived the closeness of Jesus more and more. Today I „drive my car and talk with Him.“ I consider my life with Jesus to be very happy and fulfilled, although far from always easy. Personal contact and communication with Jesus is a precious treasure of my life, which I really wish for everyone and which is available to everyone. Try to address Him quite plainly too: “Jesus, thank you for making such a sacrifice that you could invite me to yourself. Please come into my life. Forgive me for all the bad things I’ve ever done. Lead me. Always be with me.” Do you want to tell him something like that — right now?

I assure you this is the story of the same person as at the beginning of this video.

When I occasionally talk to Christians looking for a way to unbelievers, I ask: Who likes to tell their unbelieving friends their personal story of how they received Jesus, and who, on the contrary, feels that his story is lifeless or strange to them? Especially those who come from Christian families often have the feeling that their story is simply not suitable for unbelievers. If this is your case, I assure you it doesn’t have to stay that way! In the next lessons I will present the principles of how to formulate your story, so that you can gladly tell it. In doing so you will communicate the essentials effectively.

Lord Jesus, thank you that I was then able to have a wonderful meeting with You, and that I can now tell this story to other people with joy and confidence.


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