C04 Your Story


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C04 Your Story


Please listen again to the previous lesson with my story.
When someone asks, „How did you come to that Jesus,“ I see a number of Christians somehow diving into themselves; as if they got out of immediate reality. Yes, „my story“ must be about me! But why am I telling it? The narration of my „testimony“ is not really about me! Everything I say must be understandable and acceptable to my George!
Let me tell you a few principles for preparing your own story.

1. The CORE
Define the core of your story. If he forgets everything else, which one key idea should he take away?
For me it was „Jesus‘ closeness – I’m talking to Him“.
What is the core of your personal story?

Find a connecting point. Start the narration with something strong that draws your George in, where he could experience empathy, what he could identify with.
Where did you see the connecting point in my story? People usually respond to my first sentence: „My dad died tragically when I was two and half months old.“
Below this video / lesson, I enclose turning points in the lives of various people. Get inspired there.

How did Jesus get involved? It’s your story, but let Jesus be the clear dominant of your story!
Where did you see Jesus in my story? For the first time in a sentence: „As a family, we were meeting people who knew Jesus.“ And then a few more times.

4. Example of the PRAYER
I mean an example of the prayer starting the relationship with Jesus. This is extremely important element! When someone says, „And then I accepted Jesus,“ the Czech person has no idea what it means and what he/she could do about it themselves!
That is why a direct quote of how I specifically addressed Jesus is very important: “Jesus, thank you for making such a sacrifice that you could invite me to you. Please come into my life. Forgive me for all the bad things I’ve ever done. Lead me…”
In one-minute story there is no room for deeper theology, but it is good to say explicitly: “Jesus, please forgive me!” And also a clear invitation of Jesus into one’s life.

5. What Is the Benefit TODAY
What does your relationship with Jesus give you today?
I briefly mention the change that Jesus brought about in my life: “My life with Jesus I consider very happy and fulfilled, though far from always easy. Personal contact and communication with Him is a precious treasure of my life…“

The good news about Jesus is more than just information. It also carries a challenge that can take various forms. At least say it as a wish: “Jesus can change your life as well! I wish you that so much.” Or in the form of a question, “Would you like to experience something like this?” What I like most is the direct instruction: “Ask Jesus to enter your life right now.”
In my story, I even say, “Personal contact and communication with Jesus is a precious treasure of my life that I wish everyone very much. Try to address Him an simple way.” Then there is the example of the prayer again, and: “Do you want to tell Him something like that right now?”

7. One MINUTE!
Total duration should be one (up to two) minutes! Think about what does not to be there, in your story! Make it „irreducible minimum“ towards the clear goal. If your George is interested in something, he will ask!
I worked on the current version of my story for several weeks! I was improving something and omitting until this core was created. Take your one-minute story, pray it through and work it out in such a way that you will tell it to your unbelieving friends joyfully and gratefully; even as if with pride…

Lord Jesus, please help us to formulate our experience with You in such a way that our Georges will understand and it will evoke a desire to follow You in them…


In your life find a point that has shaped you spiritually; what has led you to meet Jesus.
Here are some examples from lives of others.

An Event
      −Interesting, painful, opened my eyes
      −Great change, moving, change of school / work
      −Birth of a child, extraordinary gift
      −Injury, illness, accident, health threat
      −Other critical situations in life

      −Parental divorce
      −Crisis in your own relationship
      −Problems in upbringing children
      −Search in life, hardship, feelings of fear, threat
      −Meaning of life, why I actually live, feeling emptiness, why I do something
      −Psychological crisis, burnout, depressive states, suicidal thoughts and attempts
      −Difficult illness of a loved one, death, the phenomenon of loss
      −Relational, financial, housing crisis, dismissal from work
      −Dead ends of religion, Buddhism, esoterics …

      −A friendship in childhood, someone was interested in me and showed me the way
      −Someone lived different life that I would like
      −Someone interesting, I watched them, inspired me
      −Someone added value to me, noticed me, encouraged me
      −Relationship with parents, fathers, grandparents, what specifically inspired you, which feature, story
      −Good friends, bad friends and where it led, no friends, loneliness
      −Betrayal, sometimes as a child

Other resources that opened my eyes
      −Books, movies, videos
      −Courses, seminars, trainings
      −Experiences, trips


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