E02 Generations of Disciples


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E02 Generations of Disciples

When Philip meets Jesus, he immediately says to his friend Nathanael, „We have found the Messiah!“ (John 1:45) This is a scene that is repeated many times in the New Testament. I wonder where we get the idea that in order to talk to friends about Jesus, we have to know at least fifty Bible verses by heart, plus have answers to all their tricky questions… Trust me, it’s not like that!
Even brand new Georges are able to bring their friends to the Lord Jesus very soon. – If we guide and train them in the right way. Ask your George about his friends and pray with him for them by name. Even if you don’t know them personally. Then ask your George how Peter is doing with his exams and how Joseph and his knee is doing… Teach your new George to think about his friends and pray for their needs and for the conversations George will have with them!

In the past times, when my George became a believer, I got to know his friends and became the main „gainer“ of other people in his circle. My Georges quickly got the impression that in order for their Andrew to believe, they had to bring him to Pavel! This was one of the dead ends of the movement!
It seems to me like when a young mother births a baby into the world, her mother (the baby’s grandmother) comes in and hardly lets the mother near the baby; she does everything. That would not be healthy! Mom needs help, but the goal is to teach her all the mommy skills!

Today, I am trying to help George himself ASAP that he would bring a number of his own Andrews to Jesus. I will explain the important principles to George, demonstrate what I would probably say to Andrew, and then ask George to try it with me – as if I were his friend Andrew: „George, let’s say you just met Andrew, you have a good chat and you come to your new experience with Jesus; what will you say to him?“ „And what would you tell Andrew if he was interested in your life with Jesus and wanted to try it too?“ My George tries out with me the Discovery invitation, his lightning story, God’s story – that is, Jesus‘ bridge across the gap of our wrongs – and gradually other things. He tries it three times or even ten times – as he gets confident.

It certainly helps George if he has the opportunity to be with me when I talk about Jesus with my friend Robert. George watches how I listen to my Robert, what I ask, how I get to Jesus and to the Bible, how I share my story and Jesus‘ story with Robert, etc. I can show my George an example of how I do this with my Robert. But the goal is for George himself to start doing this with his Andrew and Peter and Joseph, preferably without me…

The next stage is when George’s friend Andrew really accepts Jesus on the basis of George’s sharing! This is where the next spiritual generation comes in!
Now please pay very good attention! When George’s friend Andrew receives Jesus, I think how to help George to teach his new Andrew to pass it on, immediately! Now George not only shares the Good News to Andrew, but he also guides Andrew to pass the Good News on.
Does it make sense? I used to try to get to know George’s Andrew and I ministered to his conversion and growth. Today, I try to teach George how he can bring his Andrew to the Lord Jesus, and then I help George teach Andrew to win his (Andrew’s) friends to the Lord Jesus!
These are the spiritual generations we are looking for!

Lord Jesus, thank You for praying not only for Your disciples, but also for those who were to believe through them – that is, for the next generation of Your disciples… (John 17:20)

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