H06. Missional Team C – Second and Third Third
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H06. Missional Team C – Second and Third Third
In the previous lesson, we have completed the first third of the missional team meeting – that is, a look back. From the second third, we mentioned the Vision, for which the important instruction is „Never omit!“
Bible or a New Lesson
If with some regularity, we plan enough time for this, it is great to proper space also to the „Bible or a New Lesson“ part; at least 15 to 30 minutes. Common study and thinking about application moves us towards practical grasp of the movement! Perhaps we all will read a few chapters from the book of Acts in advance, or agree on a piece of a book about movement, or we all will prepare by listening to a pre-recorded lecture. You can also watch a few selected five-minute lessons on this Bridges to People website. You can find more topics by clicking on the green button here below. Important is that in the missional team together we look for practical inspiration for our own ministry to non-believers. In case we have the entire missional team as a short meeting, which has to fit into 45 or even 30 minutes, we have no choice but to skip this enriching part. But sometimes that’s just the way it is.
The third third of the missional team is „looking ahead“. Each time we practice at least one of the basic tools; for example from the Funnel. Either we all practice the same tool in pairs, or I say, „I need to practice my invitation to Discovery.“ And I start directly talking at someone: „Peter, have you ever tried to read the Bible? I don’t mean religion or church, just the Bible…“ And Peter directly follows up with a tool that he needs to practice: „Hi Pavel, how are you doing today…?“
We have learned to take practice lightly, a bit like fun or rather an encouraging „poke“. The result is ease and natural skill. This was a five to ten minute practice in the minimum scope of our missional team.
Action and Conversation with Jesus
In the third third (that is looking ahead) we still have a very important part called „Action and conversation with Jesus“. At least for a while, each one of us quietly listens to Jesus, what steps he leads us to, especially in the area of our personal ministry to non-believers or with the new disciples we have just reached, possibly also for development of our personal relationship with Him. Then we briefly share what we perceived and write our own action steps and also of others in the missional team – so that we can pray for each other until the next meeting. If someone did not perceive anything from Jesus new, it does not matter! He/she can prayerfully consider: What will I do based on today’s inspiration? By the way, listening to living Jesus is a good thing to learn. It transforms people! Jesus will become your personal Friend much more closely. We will give about ten minutes to the Action and Conversation with Jesus part in the minimum space. If possible, preferably fifteen or more.
Just to be sure, I remind you that a natural part of the entire missional team meeting at any time from beginning to end are brief prayers: at any moment, without warning, out loud, in one sentence, according to what someone has just said: thanks, requests, brief praises in a few words, and so on. For example, when Petr says at our missional team: „I want to talk to my colleague George and invite him to Discovery,“ Andrew immediately raises his eyes to the ceiling and says: „Jesus, I am asking you for Peter and also to open George’s heart that he will really come and from God’s word they will hear Your voice there.“
Last time I mentioned to you that some believers started a missional team where they discussed their people, prayed for them and that was all. When asked if they run their meetings in a three-thirds format, at first they didn’t know why they should do it that way, and they didn’t really know how. When they grasped the structure of the three thirds and the meaning and content of individual parts, their entire ministry got a completely different gear! The meetings became uplifting adventure for them with very spiritual and practical impact!
Lord Jesus, I thank You that Your conversations with the disciples continuously include looking back, looking up, and looking forward. So three thirds…